Become An Insurance Affiliate |
 | Receive claim information directly from your customers. |
 | Offer your customers an online home inventory instead of a document template. |
 | Access critical customer data such as photos and receipts. |
 | Bundle our services with your consumer product lines. |
 | Reach more customers through our advertising portal. |
Do you have the online tools that customers are searching for?
Today's Internet savvy customer expects a standard of service that include proactive tools that help them communicate with your company both offline and online.
An online home inventory is a necessary option for insurance customers who want a higher level of involvement in their own recovery from property damage.
Whether you would like to exchange site links or become a full HomeInventory.com Insurance Partner, we make getting started easy.
Simply click here to launch our partnership wizard!
- Empower customers before disaster strikes.
- Improve customer / agent relationships.
- Offer better online services.
- Improve the claims process.
- Increase content insurance policies.
- Customize our service for your customers.
- Include your logo and branding information.
- Create online marketing campaigns.
- Redistribute customer accounts as needed.
- Embed our content into your web site.
- Inventory reports for customers.
- Demographic reports for marketing.
- Statistical reports for sales.
- Property reports for analysis.
- Usage reports for customer service.
What Is A Home Inventory? |
When you file a homeowners claim, the insurance company determines how much to pay you by evaluating the cost to replace your property with new items of the same kind and quality. But here's the catch: If your policy covers your personal property (your home's contents) for its actual cash value, they will ask you for an itemized list of your personal property, along with receipts, before paying your claim.
When disaster strikes, the last thing you will feel like doing is writing out a long list of items. That's where we come in. We offer a secure and affordable way to easily create a home inventory online.
Creating a home inventory is the best way to determine what you own and what its worth. If you have a home inventory report available, the insurance company will be more likely to pay what it costs to repair or replace your damaged possessions at today's prices without deducting for depreciation.
While replacement cost coverage generally runs about 10 percent more per year than actual-cash value coverage, they are both driven by how well you can prove what your personal property is worth.
At HomeInventory.com, we allow you to upload photos and receipts, track model numbers and purchase dates as well as quickly determine the exact dollar value of your personal property.
The standard option to protect your personal property is replacing actual cash value but most insurance companies offer replacement cost coverage as another option. It's a proven fact that the a thorough home inventory will tip the scales in your favor when it comes time to file a claim.
We also make filing a claim easier. Once you create a home inventory at HomeInventory.com, you can email a read-only copy of the report to your insurance company when something bad happens.
Making a small investment now in one of our home inventory reports will pay off greatly when your property is damaged. For only $19.00 per year you can give yourself the peace of mind and assurance that when disaster strikes, you'll be ready to bounce back faster.
Get Started Today!
Create Your Home Inventory Online |
While most home inventory software must be downloaded and installed on your computer, our service let's you create a home inventory completely online.
We offer the highest security available on the Internet today where you can safely store your home inventory and not worry about it getting destroyed at home.
Like any other web site you have 24/7 access to your report and can update it anytime your home contents change.
Get Started Today! |
Email Your Report To Your Insurance Agent |
At HomeInventory.com, you can now email a read-only copy of your home inventory to your insurance agent when disaster strikes. Don't worry if you can't get to
a computer during a crisis. Your insurance company can log into their HomeInventory.com account and view a current copy of your report. This feature helps to get the ball rolling
even faster. The quicker your insurance company can get a list of your damaged personal property, the quicker they can pay your insurance claim.
Share Your Account With A Spouse |
If you have a spouse or a partner that shares your home, they can also help build your home inventory online. Simply add their information to your account during the
registrations process and they will be granted login privledges. This is a great feature for couples who like to share the responsibility of maintaining an organized household.
Store Your Important Documents Online |
Most people forget about protecting their important documents when disaster strikes. Making sure you have copies of your birth certificate, the deed to your house, current
insurance papers or educational diplomas can make getting back to your normal life a smoother transition. Simply upload a digital copy of your important papers to your
HomeInventory.com account and rest assured that they will be accessible when the originals are lost or destroyed.
Get Homeowner Claims Paid Faster |
Speed up the claims process with one of our home inventory reports. The more information you have ready to deliver to your insurance company about the cost and condition of
your personal property, the shorter the claims process will be. We make it incredibly easy to build your home inventory online.
Simply select one of your rooms, pick an inventory category and then select a personal property item. It's that easy! You can enter as much or as little about each item. When you're finished, you can rest
assured that its in a safe place, away from harm when disaster strikes.
Get Started Today! |
Your Home Inventory Reports |
There are several convenient options for viewing your inventory reports at HomeInventory.com. You can view your inventory report online anytime and anywhere in the
world you can access the Internet. You can print it out on paper to keep a copy for your records. You can also download it to your computer in several different formats.
Reach Your Insurance Agent Online |
At HomeInventory.com you can now email a read-only copy of your home inventory to your insurance agent when disaster strikes. Don't worry if you can't get to
a computer during a crisis. Your insurance company can log into their HomeInventory.com account and view a current copy of your report. This feature helps to get the ball rolling
even faster. The quicker your insurance company can get a list of your damaged personal property, the quicker they can pay your insurance claim.
What To Include In Your Home Inventory |
It's easy to get started creating your home inventory. We recommend starting out with high ticket items. Be sure to include as much information as possible such as
model numbers, quantity and when it was purchased. We also make it easy to upload photos and receipts. Don't worry if you make a mistake. We make it even easier to
move items from one room to another, change details or remove items all together from your inventory.
Get Started Today!
Plan Your Next Garage Sale Online |
We offer some exciting benefits that let you use your home inventory for more than just filing insurance claims. Our garage sale planner makes having a garage sale a breeze.
Simply select the items from your inventory you want to sell and price them online. Once you're all finished, you can organize items and print labels. When the sale is over
log back into your account to calculate your profit based on what sold.
The next time you plan to have a garage sale, plan to create a home inventory first.
Get Started Today! |
Take The Stress Out of Moving |
Moving can be one of the most stressful times for anyone because there's so much to pack and organize. Now you can use your home inventory to help your move run smoother.
At HomeInventory.com, you can place items in virtual boxes, assign them to rooms in your new home and print labels for your actual boxes that will include an item list.
Use Our Estate Planner To Prepare For The Inevitable |
Most of us spend a lifetime accumulating valuable personal property and need to determine who will get what when we're gone. Use your HomeInventory.com Estate Planner to
make it easy. Simply add beneficiaries, select items to bequeath to them, and print a list of your special gifts.
Calculate Coverage & Get Free Quotes Online |
After you create a home inventory report online, you can elect to receive free insurance quotes based on your personal property. This way you'll get a customized quote
that will help determine how much coverage you need. Your personal information remains concealled and will not be shared with competing insurance companies.
Get Started Today!
Five Layers Of Security |
In a day and age where identity theft is so prevalent, we take extra measures to protect your personal property information. We utilize
several layers of online security to make sure you're the only one who has access to it. Our security system includes Login Authentication,
Data Access Filters, Audit Trails, Information Links and Data Encryption.
We also help you create a secure password during the registration process.
Get Started Today! |
Logging In Is Just The Begining |
When you create an account at HomeInventory.com we help you create a secure password. Once you're email has been verified and you log into your account,
we continue our security behind the scenes making sure that you are still logged in. We also make it easy to change your password periodically
in order to maintain the highest level of user authentication.
Our Data Is Secure |
We use one of the most advanced and secure data frameworks available today. All data access requests pass through system filters and only allowable data sets are exposed and returned to the you
while you're online. We also maintain an audit log which helps reconstruct with accuracy the changes made to your home inventory. The audit log contains the date, time, user who made the change,
the value before the change, and the value after the change so that personal property item information related disputes can be corroborated.
We Don't Leave Online Footprints |
Data Encryption is the methodology by which information sent between a browser and web server is scrambled through various algorithms in order to prevent someone from eavesdropping (or sniffing)
in the communication and potentially observing the transmitted information. Clearly this is a major issue for communication over public networks, since there is no control over who can see the information on the open net.
To combat this issue, HomeInventory.com fully supports and utilizes the industry standard SSL (Secure Socket Layer) protocol.