Whether you own a home or rent an apartment, you have valuables and personal property inside that need protecting. Even if you have contents insurance, you still need a
current list of what you own along with vital purchasing information to validate its overall worth. Just think of a home inventory as an insurance policy on your
insurance policy. Not only can you get claims paid faster with a home inventory but you can do so much with your property information once it's compiled.
The best place to store your home inventory is online instead of in your home where your property may be at risk. In the event disaster strikes, your inventory
will always be safe and secure. Whenever you need to print or update it, just log into your account.
Get Access To Your Important Documents No Matter What
Most people forget about protecting their important documents when disaster strikes. Making sure you have copies of your birth certificate, the deed to your house, current
insurance papers or educational diplomas can make getting back to your normal life a smoother transition. Simply upload a digital copy of your important papers to your
HomeInventory.com account and rest assured that they will be accessible when the originals are lost or destroyed.
Creating an inventory can be as easy as taking a tour of your home with a video camera in your hand. Walk and talk your way through your home, apartment or place of business.
Be sure to point out items of special value and in a short time your video inventory will be complete. There is no itemizing with this inventory. All you have to know is how
to operate your video camera.
Some people collect valuable artwork. Others collect stamps. Do you own a collection that needs cataloged and documented. Create an online portfolio that includes appraisal
information and photos which reflect their condition. You can even sell your items on HomeInventory.com when the time is right. Better yet, use our Estate Planner to make sure
your prized possessions fall into the right hands.